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Video of our Navigation Tools

Jody G Dzuranin | Published on 5/22/2024
There are two 30 minute videos about the Navigation Tools, one named Overview and one named Demonstration.  The main difference is that the demonstration portion did not show up on the video for the Overview video, so watch the DEMONSTRATION video to see the resources discussed. 

Direct Link for both videos:

For Westerville in northeast Franklin County, there is a one page handout and a great video by Visit Westerville which gives the northbound bicycle riders’ perspective.  The video and handout are linked in this news post.  Visit Westerville Video

Speaker: Jody Dzuranin, Executive Director of the Ohio to Erie Trail Fund.

Nav Video Topics

Direct Link for both videos:

Trail home page, main website:   
Trip Planning page at 

Want to ask a question? Visit us online at Connect and we will get you a response.  


Split Screen with Script and Demo

Many of the resources in this video can be found on the “Plan your trip” page which is at

Published Document

Overview Map Image in Brochure

Brochure Image

Paper Trail Guide

The 2022 Trail Map Guide is accurate with the addition of the handouts for Sunbury and Cleveland. It is sold in northbound or southbound versions. They contain extended directional text which is not available with the online tools. The guides have a legend with codes explaining the location of trailside amenities available along the route.  The distance grid tool is only available in the paper guides.  You can buy a guide online or in Sunbury or Massillon. To order online go to

The 2022 trail guide is the most recent version.  The only places the trail has been rerouted is in Sunbury and northern Cleveland. Our interactive map page has free one pagers you can download and print for Sunbury and Cleveland.  Direct Links are below.

Sunbury Handout and rider perspective videos

Cleveland Handout:

Trail Alerts

A trail alert is to notify of potential impacts of trail work in certain locations.  The alerts page provides an explanation of whether the trail will remain open or have a partial or full closure during the project timeframe.   Extended, full trail closures do happen at times and these will be reflected on the official RWGPS routes with a detour or informal bypass. If there is an intermittent closure in effect during your travels, check our alerts page for information about how to get by.  For example, some construction projects require the trail to be closed during the daytime on weekdays, but the trail is open evenings and weekends. 

Trail alerts are updated as soon as we hear of them at  We identify them by county and provide approximate GPS coordinates.  Sometimes they are intermittent or partial closures, so you may or may not be impacted depending on your timing.  For any extended alerts, if a marked detour is available, we note it on the alerts.  Some projects will not have a detour and we will do our best to let you know of an informal bypass or workaround which will not have signage.  Read the alerts so you can decide how to get by or through if you are impacted during a closure.  

If a bypass appears in red on the interactive map then the RWGPS will reflect that same route. If an alternate route is shown in light green on the interactive map, then the route won't correspond with the RWGPS files, but it is offered as an alternative to the official OTET route. 

Quick Link for Alerts:  

For brief, unplanned closures due to down trees or high water, we don't update the website alerts page, but we do post to our Facebook page if there is something informative to share.

Are the resources up to date?

Our Ride with GPS files and our Online Interactive Map show the most updated version of the route.  The 2022 paper map is accurate with the Sunbury and Cleveland updates provided on the Interactive Map page.   The Interactive map is updated at the same time as the RWGPS files, so it is a reliable tool, explore the layers such as “trailheads” to discover trail access points.

Is there route signage?

The route is signed, however there are a wide variety of sign types and they may show different trail names.  The majority of the route is notated as Ohio Bicycle Route 1, but in some places the only sign will be for the local name of the trail you are following.  

Some signs will say “Ohio to Erie Trail” and have a smaller route 1 sign also.  

What part of the trail is on streets or roads? 

There are 18 places where the trail follows streets or roads and we estimate that there are 34 miles of the OTET on city streets and rural roads as of November 2023.
OTET total mileage is 324.5: Streets/Roads 10.5%;  Dedicated Trail 89.5%. 

View the detail on these sections and download a pdf at

Additional How To Videos

Interactive Map

Our Ride with GPS (RWGPS) offerings

Video and post about the page for Trip Planning

More Planning Resources

We just added a resource showing the List of Counties to the “Plan your trip” page

We have an organization account on RWGPS.   There are currently 51 routes in our route library.


Read the Frequently Asked Questions section with information on places to “dip a tire” in Cincinnati and Cleveland. 



Franklin County Toolkit

We hear that Franklin County and  Greater Columbus can be a navigation challenge for first time visitors. 

This is an 8 mile RWGPS if you just want the section between Camp Chase Trail and Alum Creek Trail.   



Another tool for Franklin County points out some places people get confused, it is linked on the interactive map page.

Go to the section that says: 10 Hints for Navigating Franklin County and look at the spreadsheet or the PDF. 

For Westerville in northeast Franklin County, there is a one page handout and a great video by Visit Westerville which gives the northbound bicycle riders’ perspective.   The video and handout are linked in this news post.

In Summary

Below are direct links to the resources referenced in the video: 

Trail home page, main website:

Interactive Map Page:


Our past webinars and videos are on the Ohio to Erie Trail YouTube channel for future viewing.

Want to ask a question?  

Visit us online at  and we will get you a response.  Thank you for checking out the Ohio to Erie Trail!

Speaker: Jody Dzuranin, Executive Director of the Ohio to Erie Trail Fund.

Distance: the stated distance of the Ohio to Erie Trail is 326 miles. 

This video provides an overview of various navigation tools available on the Ohio to Erie Trail website.
The Demonstration portion of the video was not recorded, so one way to use the recording is to follow along by clicking the links provided in the script below or use the URL given in the recording. 

These are the links which correspond to the Demonstration portions.

Demonstration Links:

RWGPS for the Organization (51 files)

Franklin County Toolkit

Visit Westerville Video:




10 Hints for Navigating Franklin County on the

Visit us online at

Speaker: Jody Dzuranin, Executive Director of the Ohio to Erie Trail Fund.

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