In May 2025 the Tandem Trails Guestroom expands to be the Tandem Trails Guesthouse. This means that Tandem Trails will expand to offer more space, now accommodating 4 people with a separate kitchenette. Reservations will be available 7 days a week instead of weekends only.
Our century home is 3 blocks from the trail. We book exclusively through AirBnB. We have been in business since 2018 and We are members of Stark County and Akron Bicycle Clubs, have participated in Warm Showers, and now offer our home as an AirBnB.
Directions from trail to lodging:
The patio(back) side of Cherry Street Creamery is Market Street. Turn right onto Market if coming from from Clinton (southbound) and left if coming from Massillon (northbound). Cross the bridge (0% grade) over the river, continue two blocks. Turn left onto Birch to enter our driveway.