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Home326 Club

Congratulations to 326 Club Members!


Click the 326 sticker to view the latest 326 CLUB members

Are you part of the 326 club?

If you completed the trail either by riding the entire trail on consecutive days OR if you hiked it within the same calendar year, then you can sign up to be listed!

If you are already a member, just go to the INTEREST group and click the "sign me up" to add yourself.  Interests  

If you don't already have a membership, join by signing up for a free 326 Club membership

Go to New Member sign up to get startedNew Member Signup

Under membership type, select "326 Club Trail Completers" 

After you let us know, you can look for your name in alphabetic order here:  

326 Club Names  

Did you add yourself and are still not showing up on the 2024 list?  contact OTET  

Join the 326 Club, Class of 2024!

Did you ride the whole trail on consecutive days or hike it within the same calendar year? 

First add yourself to the list, then go to the online store at and order your 326 Club sticker.Order Sticker     

The sticker is FREE with another purchase in the store.  Add the item named "OTET 326 Sticker 4" x 6" - COMPLIMENTARY FOR 326 CLUB MEMBERS ONLY" to your cart and purchase any other item to compete the order. 


  326 Quick Start Steps:

Login to your ClubExpress account

Update your profile photo and achievements

View the 326 Club, Class of 2024 list under Interests

Join the Discussion Forum to share your story

View Interests      Write about it 


326 Club Page is at 326 Club

Profile - Add Achievement Example:

326 Club Signup

Detailed Steps - 326 Club Options

  • If you are not already a member - Click “New Member Sign up” in the top menu.
  • For Membership Type select your membership level - “326 Club Trail Completers” This level provides a complimentary 1 year membership

Remember to request a free 326 Club Sticker in the online shop. It is free with another purchase in the store. 326 Sticker

Add yourself to the Interest Lists

To join the Interest Group for the 326 Club 

Step 1: Go to and login to your account


Step 2: Click the "Profile Sharing Link" option to add your profile photo, add photo albums, videos, social media links to your profile

Step 3: Click on your name (upper right) and select “Profile”  On the profile screen, In the lower right choose “Interests” under Website Functions

Step 4: Click the next to Achievements.  

  • Select all the interest categories that apply by placing a check mark
  • Make sure to hit the SAVE button before leaving the screen. 

Step 5: On the profile screen, in the lower left box, select "Achievements" and add the date and details about your end-to-end adventure or if it was a hike or section ride, enter those details as well. It is a place where Ohio to Erie Trail visitors can share the experience!  

Remember to request a free 326 Club Sticker in the online shop. It is free with another purchase in the store. 326 Sticker

326 Club Updated

Looking for the past 326 Club list?  

Visit the 326 Club Names Page

Go to the shop and Order Sticker Order Sticker

The quick link for the list of names by year is

This page was updated: June 14, 2024

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